Foods that may cross react with allergens to cause other reactions
Food Allergics must also be mindful of what as known as, Food Families.
How this chart works:
If you are allergic to ________then be careful of or avoid____________ because it could cross react with the actual food allergen.
The only way to know for sure if one of these is also causing a cross reactive action is to avoid all foods in the food family for at least 30 days- some doctors recommend up to 6 months and then begin a reintroduction process, one food at a time. (According the Southern California Asthma, Allergy & Immunology Clinic) Food reintroduction process should be done with doctor's permission and never alone.
**************Not recommended for kids**************
Allspice: Allspice, myrtle, guava, clove pimiento
Apple: Apple, pear, quince
Aster: Lettuce, chicory, endive, escarole, artichoke dandelion, sunflower seeds, tarrago, ragweed, insecticide pyrethrum
Avocado: Avocado, laurel, cinnamon, bay leaves, sassafras

Buckwheat: Buckwheat, Rhubarb, garden sorrel
Cashew: Cashew, pistachio, mango
Chocolate: Chocolate, cocoa, cola

Coconut: Coconut, palm, date
Dairy: Beef, pork, lamb, rabbit, squirrel, venison, goat or any mammal product. (Most people who cannot tolerate cow's milk cannot handle any mammal product so avoid goat milk as well)
Fish: Salmon, tuna, sardine, catfish, trout, crappie (be careful/stay away from glue as in Elmer's glue)
Fowl: (Egg is not included unless it is from laying hens) Chicken, turkey, duck, goose, guinea, pigeon, quail, pheasant
Fungus: Mushroom, yeast, mold, antibiotics
Ginger: Ginger, cardamom, turmeric
Gooseberry: Currant, gooseberry
Goosefoot: Beet, beet sugar, spinach, swiss chard, lambsquarter, mexican fireweed, russian thistle
Melon: Watermelon, cucumber, cantaloupe, pumpkin, squash, and other melons
Mint: Mint, peppermint, spearmint, thyme, sage, horehound, marjoram, basil, savory, rosemary, balm, catnip
Mustard: Mustard, turnip, radish, horseradish, watercress, cabbage, kraut, chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, collards, kale, kohlrabi, rutabaga
Mollusk: Oyster, clam, abalone, mussel
Okra: Okra, cottonseed, mallow
Onion: Onion, Lily, garlic, asparagus, chives, leeks, sarsaparilla
Parsley: Parsley, carrot, parsnip, celery, anise, dill, fennel, angelica, celery seed, cumin, coriander, caraway
Pea: Peanut, pea (black eyed, field, green), bean (navy, lima, pinto, green, soy), licorice, acacia, tragacanth

Plum: Plum, cherry, peach, apricot, nectarine, wild cherry, almond
Potato: Potato, tomato, eggplant, peppers, green pepper, red pepper, chili pepper, parika, cayenne, capisicum, tobacco, belladonna, stramonium, hyoscamine
Sesame: sesame seeds, peanut, rye, kiwifruit, poppy seed, tree nuts (hazelnut, black walnut, cashew, macadamia, pistachio
Shellfish (Crustacean): Crab, lobster, shrimp
Strawberry: Rose, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, dewberry, loganberry, youngberry, boysenberry
Walnut: English walnut, black walnut, pecan, hickory nut, butternut
Wheat: Wheat, corn, rice, oats, barley, rye, wild rice, cane, millet, sorghum, bamboo sprouts, grass
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om goodness, just recently found out that I am allergic to tuna, lamb, sweet potato, potatoes, wheat rye barley, malt, ginger , string beans navy beans cranberry, pear, grapes ,cherry, honeydew, plum , casein , dairy and pea. Any suggestions on what to eat?
DeleteSo sorry you are having to go thru this pain. It's a life changing experience. I've gone thru it myself as an adult and live it every day. I've now trained and certified Food Allergy Consults across the United States that are the best resources with real tools to help navigate life with multiple food allergies. You can find a certified food allergy consultant who can work with you 1:1 to build a customized map inclusive of meal planning, dining out cards, in home meal instruction and much more.
My kids and I have been allergic to pepper and peppers for years. This is a major reason that I home schooled them. Recently, my medical needs have increased. I have been trying to enroll them in to a local Montessori school. The big problem is those allergies are airborne! The school district nurse stated that the kids would be stuck in one room all day. That it would be miserable for them. Yet, she said to have their allergist write letters stating the severity of the allergies, the kids medicine needs, etc. Them they will go from there. Help! This has become so relentlessly overwhelming! I'm a single mom striving to do the best for each of us and as a family. I can't find a local support group for these allergies. Does a public school have to try to accommodate our needs? It's already scary going out. But trusting lay people, no nurse to realize if/when my kids will have an allergic reaction and asthma attack. They aren't allowed to carry their medications either. Plus, we've all just be diagnosed with more, new allergies restricting what we eat. Any help out there?
ReplyDeleteMy 5yo just recently started having reactions to Cinnamon... I did not see a food family for cinnamon. Should I avoid as many spices as possible?
ReplyDeleteMy 5yo just recently started having reactions to Cinnamon... I did not see a food family for cinnamon. Should I avoid as many spices as possible?
ReplyDeleteI am recently diagnosed allergic to beef, pork, yeast, mold, and lots of environmentals as well. What foods do you recommend for my nutrition. I am having a very hard time trying to find an app or website that covers all my allergies to help me shop and plan meals
ReplyDeleteI am recently diagnosed allergic to beef, pork, yeast, mold, and lots of environmentals as well. What foods do you recommend for my nutrition. I am having a very hard time trying to find an app or website that covers all my allergies to help me shop and plan meals