26 August 2012

10 Most Common Food Allergies in U.S.

90% of food allergies in the United States are to these 10 foods: 

1. Cow’s milk: (e.g. nonfat milk, 2% milk, whole milk, creamer, half and half, butter, cheese, sour cream, creme cheese, whey, cottage cheese, lactabumin, phosphate, casein, sodium casinate, lactose, curds.)  
2. Egg 
3. Soy
4. Wheat
5. Peanut
6. Tree nut (e.g., almonds, walnuts, coconut and pecans)
7. Fish
8. Crustacean shellfish
9. Corn
10. Sesame Seed

Experts do not know why some foods cause more allergy than others. Very frequently, patients with pollen allergies have mild cross-reactions to fresh fruits, such as apples, peaches, cherries and to raw vegetables, such as carrots and celery. Food Allergies are a global issue, with over 150 Million people found to have allergies to one or more foods. Food allergies can come on at any point in a person's life, from newborns to elderly. Some children can outgrow some food allergies but it is very unlikely to outgrow food allergies as an adult. 

Hidden ingredients that contain food allergens in products: 

Bread: I have found that most store bought bread has some milk component in it. Every bread needs to be checked. Generally speaking, most breads baked in a bakery do not have milk in them, unless it is an obvious cheese bread. 
Soy Sauce: Check all ingredients, there are some wheat free products out there, but most all soy sauce contains wheat and of course soy. 
Soy Cheese: This is the one that is greatly disappointing. Most soy cheeses on the market contain a milk component. Such a shame. There is absolutely no point in this at all. If a person is buying soy cheese, they are likely allergic to milk or a vegan (who will not buy an animal product). Always read the labels. Obviously it has soy in it as well. 
Pesto: Most pesto contains pine nuts and Parmesan cheese (which is cow's milk and tree nut)
Vegan products: Many vegan products contain tree nuts. 
Skin care products: A lot of lotions, facial cremes, conditioners, and other skin care products have almond oil, walnut, sesame,egg, soy. Read product labels before using, as the beauty manufactures are not required to list top 10 food allergens as the food manufacturers are.  

Q: What is the most difficult ingredient to take out of a kitchen? A. SOY.
Soy is in a lot of the ingredients that I investigate in commercial kitchens. It's in most sauces, cooking sprays and alternate products.  

Food Allergy List in Spanish: 
Milk (Leche)
caseína, caseinato, lactoalbúmina, lactoferrina, lactulosa, suero
Eggs (Huevos)
albúmina, globulina conalbúmina,
lecitina, livetina, lisozima,
merengue, ovoalbúmina, ovoglobulina,
ovolactohydrolyzed proteínas,
ovomacroglogulin, ovomucina,
ovomucoide, ovotranferin, ovovitellin,
silico-albuminato, vitelina, yema de huevo, claras de huevo
Soy (Soja/Soya)
lecitina, proteínas de los alimentos modificados, la soja albúmina, fibra de soja, harina de soja, granos de soja, leche de soya, nueces de soya, proteína de soja P34, brotes de soja
Wheat (Trigo)
almidón de los alimentos, kamut, espelta, proteína de trigo, Durham, triticale, centeno, cebada
Peanuts (Cacahuates)
las nueces de cerveza, cacahuetes, nueces, aceite de cacahuete del mono
Tree Nuts (Nueces de árbol)
almendras, hayucos, castaña, nuez Bush, anacardos, castañas, coco, avellana, nuez ginko, avellanas, nueces de lichi, nueces de macadamia, pacanas, piñones, pistachos, karité, nuez
Fish (Pescado)
anchoas, lobina, bagre, el caviar, bacalao,
lenguado, mero, abadejo, merluza,
el arenque, el mahi mahi, la perca, el lucio,
abadejo, salmón, bacalao de, pargo único,
pez espada, tilapia, trucha, atún
Shellfish (Marisco/Crustáceo)
crustáceos, abulón, almejas, cangrejos,
cangrejos, equinodermos, langosta,
mejillones, ostras, vieiras, erizos de mar

Contact a food allergy consultant today for help in food allergy education, recipe development, menu identification and allergy alert systems in your commercial kitchen. www.ilaraholland.com

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